This is where I will tell the story of my family, of my parents and their ancestors, as well as of my brothers and myself
What makes this ancestral gallery so special, is the fact that my parents Helene Pampuch and Johann Pampuch represent two distinct lines within the Pampuch family
my mother, Helene Pampuch, née Pampuch, born in Breslau (Wroclaw)
my father Johann Pampuch, born in Goldenau (Zlotniki), district Oppeln
No connection of the two distinct family lines was found after 1828. So far, no data concerning previous ancestors of my great-great grandfather Johann Pampuch, born in 1828 in Klein-Döbern, district of Oppeln, exists.
click here to download the pdf version (access only with password)
Ancestors and descendants of Johann Pampuch
pdf version ancestors_and_descendants_of_Johann_Pampuch_wPW (access only with password)
pdf version Recollections-of-Lenchen-Pampuch-by-Christa-GuskewPW (access only with password)